



This course focuses on the legal considerations of a tech startup and the due diligence processes involved in the successful launching of a new venture in the sphere of technology. From ideation inception to successful launch and exit, this course will appraise students with the legal reflections key to each stage of development and creation. Legal studies or business students must be able to integrate the knowledge and skills they have learned in other courses in areas such as legal analysis, marketing, contracts, corporate structures, investment, technology and intellectual property.


LAW 101, LAW 110, LAW 210, and LAW 200 or LAW 300; OR 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework

Course Notes

LAW 380 is an approved Science and Technology course for Cap Core requirements.

Course Outlines

Please note: Course outlines of record posted may vary from the section syllabus distributed by each instructor (e.g. textbooks, assignments, timing of midterms).

Effective Term
PDF Acrobat Adobe Reader Fall 2023 onwards


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Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152