
There are many awards, scholarships and bursaries for students continuing their education at CapU.

Important upcoming dates

Summer 2024 dates

  • Award recipients will be notified at the end of July 2024

Fall 2024 dates

  • Applications open July 2, 2024
  • Applications close September 16, 2024
  • Award recipients will be notified in November 2024

Scholarships, bursaries, and awards for continuing students

Scholarships, bursaries, and awards are financial assistance that you don’t have to pay back, and many are available for students continuing their studies at CapU.

Use our online search tool to find a full list of the scholarships, bursaries, and awards offered through Capilano University.

How to apply

Applying for awards is easy, with one general online application. Follow the steps below to be sure you’re in the running for all the awards you might be eligible for.

Need help with your application? See our step-by-step How to Apply for Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards guide (pdf).

Log in to your myCapU account.

  1. Select Apply for SBAs.  
  2. Select Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards application for your current term.
  3. Follow the instructions on the application and complete the required information.
  4. Read the declaration at the end of the application and confirm your agreement by clicking on the "Yes" button. You’ll get confirmation on the screen that your online award application has been successfully submitted. 

For some awards, departments nominate candidates. If you are nominated, you need to complete the online Nominee Statement (available in your myCapU account) to confirm your nomination. You could complete the Nominee Statement in advance in case you’re nominated, but that won’t affect whether or not you’ll be nominated to receive an award. 

Awards are available to support students who demonstrate leadership, engagement in their community and on campus, commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, and commitment to gender and women's issues.

To be considered for these types of awards, you need to submit additional documents to supplement your online application.

By submitting an additional document for one of the categories below, you are in the running for all awards in that category.

Use our online awards guide to search for awards by category and see which might suit your achievements.

How to submit your documents

Submit your documentation by the award application deadline in one complete package, marked to the attention of Financial Aid and Awards as a PDF to finaid@capilanou.ca from your student email account.

Reporting exceptional expenses

Exceptional expenses are costs that set one student apart from other students and create a barrier to their education. They are outside the expected costs of rent, food and other standard expenses.

If you have exceptional financial circumstances, these can be considered as part of the “demonstrated financial need” calculation for awards, scholarships and bursaries. 

Report the amount of your exceptional expenses for the term in the budget portion of the online application.

If you report exceptional expenses, you must submit documentation (such as receipts) that supports those expenses.  All claimed exceptional expenses are subject to review.

Documents you’ll need:

  1. A letter outlining the nature of your exceptional expenses, when they occurred, the amount of payment, and an explanation of why these expenses are necessary during your educational term.
  2. Receipts and other documentation verifying the nature of the expense and the amount you are responsible to pay.
    • For example, if you have medication costs and they’re not covered by a health insurance plan, documentation could include a copy of the prescription, a letter from insurance verifying the cost isn’t covered and you won’t be reimbursed for your payment, and payment receipts.

How to submit your documentation:

  1. Include your full name and student ID number on all pages, including receipts.  
  2. Submit your documentation by the award application deadline in one complete package, marked to the attention of Financial Aid and Awards – Exceptional Expenses as a PDF to finaid@capilanou.ca from your student email account.  

What happens next

Once applications close, Financial Aid and Awards reviews applications and matches you to all awards for which you’re eligible. Nomination committees review those applicants and choose award recipients, who are then verified by Financial Aid and Awards. They’ll notify you by email or postal mail if you’ve received an award and will apply approved award funds directly to your student account. This process takes 6-8 weeks.

If the award creates a credit balance in your account for the term, a refund cheque will be mailed to your address listed on your student account, so make sure your contact information is up to date in your myCapU account.


Have questions?

Financial Aid and Awards

Library Building, room LB152