Who is using open resources at CapU?
The visibility of Open on campus is growing, from Chemistry to Psychology, Women's and Gender Studies to Statistics.
Want to participate?
In the Spring 2022 term, over 25 courses at CapU used Open Educational Resources. This resulted in savings of $125,069.27 for more than 800 students.
These CapU courses in the Spring 2022 term are using open resources:
- ABE Advanced Biology (all sections)
- ABE Provincial Biology I & II (all sections)
- ABE Advanced Chemistry I & II (all sections)
- BADM 201 (Laurie Prange)
- GEOG 112 (Cheryl Schreader)
- MATH 116 (all sections)
- SOC 100 (Sean Ashley)
- STAT 101 (Atapour Mahshid)
- PSYC 100 (all sections)
- PSYC 101 (all sections)