
LING 100 Introduction to General Linguistics: Language Structure




Linguistics is the study of human language and ultimately the human mind. Linguistics 100 is designed to introduce the field of linguistics and the principles that are involved in the description and analysis of language. Students will develop an understanding of the core areas of linguistics - morphology (the study of words and their internal structure), phonetics (the description of how sounds are produced), phonology (the study of sound systems), and syntax (the study of phrases and sentences) - by looking at data from various languages around the world. Special attention will be given to the language backgrounds represented by students in the class, so that we can appreciate both the diversity of language and the principles that are shared by all languages.

Course Notes

LING 100 is an approved Culture and Creative Expression course for Cap Core requirements.

Course Outlines

Please note: Course outlines of record posted may vary from the section syllabus distributed by each instructor (e.g. textbooks, assignments, timing of midterms).

Effective Term
PDF Acrobat Adobe Reader Fall 2018 onwards


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