
CHEM 111 Chemical Dynamics and Energetics




This is a course for students who plan to pursue a science degree. Students will review and expand their understanding of stoichiometry and the gaseous state; kinetics and reaction mechanisms; chemical equilibrium; acids, bases, salts and buffers; thermodynamics; solubility; redox and electrochemistry.


CHEM 110 (C-); and Precalculus 12 (B) or BMTH 054 (C+) or MATH 105 (C-) or Calculus MPT

Course Notes

CHEM 111 is an approved Numeracy course for Cap Core requirements. CHEM 111 is an approved Science and Technology course for Cap Core requirements. CHEM 111 is an approved Quantitative/Analytical course for baccalaureate degrees.

CHEM 111 is an approved Science course. CHEM 111 is an approved Lab Science course.

Course Outlines

Please note: Course outlines of record posted may vary from the section syllabus distributed by each instructor (e.g. textbooks, assignments, timing of midterms).


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Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152