Our well-being impacts not only our academic success, but our life satisfaction, our sense of meaning and purpose, and our ability to effectively navigate day-to-day stressors.
At Capilano University, we recognize well-being as a holistic process with many aspects that interconnect and overlap to maintain a sense of wellness. This means that when we focus on any one aspect of our well-being, it can have positive ripple effects that help improve other areas and our well-being overall.
Well-Being at CapU
Everyone has a set of unique needs and will go about fostering a sense of well-being in different ways. It's important to recognize that we each have different lived experiences that affects our well-being and that there are historical and systemic barriers and factors outside of our control that can often impede our ability to access support and maintain balance in our lives.
So how can we best care for our needs? Self-care is about finding ways within ourselves to help navigate through difficult moments in life. But self-care is not something we should have to do alone! When we focus on personal self-care as the only way to achieve well-being, we may overlook the important role that community care can play in supporting us as individuals in our well-being journey.
Ideally, we can engage in personal self-care in combination with community care, in which well-being moves from being an individual's responsibility to a collective one. In this context, the collective ensures that everyone has the safety, appropriate resources and support for self-care to be effective. When this occurs, self-care can be an adaptive way to improve coping strategies, form healthier habits, and improve interactions and relationships with others.
Here is a list of several dimensions of well-being and corresponding resources to support you:
Mental and emotional wellness is about our ability to cope with day-to-day life stressors while staying connected to our minds, hearts and feelings. It is the ability to function effectively while identifying how we are thinking and feeling, listening to what our emotions are trying to tell us, and responding in ways that support our overall well-being.
CapU Resources
Counselling Services
Counselling sessions are confidential and offered for free through CapU Counselling Services.
To see a counsellor, you can make an appointment by booking online, calling 604 984 1744 or emailing counselling@capilanou.ca. Counselling appointments are only available to students currently residing in B.C.
YES (Your Early Support) Program
CapU's YES Program provides students with an opportunity to receive support for academic and personal challenges early on – or at any other stage – in their academic journey.
A referral to the YES program connects you to trained Student Support Advisors at the Office of Student Affairs who can meet with you to discuss your identified needs and connect you to a variety of supportive resources both on and off campus.
To connect with an advisor for support, you can email earlysupport@capilanou.ca.
Sexual Violence Resources
If you have experienced sexual violence, or are supporting someone who has, visit our Sexual Violence Resources page for a list of on and off campus resources that are here to support you. You are not alone.
Community-Based Resources
Healing in Colour
Looking for a BIPOC therapist? Healing in Colour offers a Therapist Directory and other resources to support your healing and liberation.
Here2Talk connects students with mental health support when they need it. Through this program, all students – domestic or international – currently registered in a B.C. post-secondary institution have access to free, confidential counselling and community referral services, conveniently available 24/7 via app, phone and web.
Empower Me
Empower Me is a confidential support service available 24/7, 365 days a year. No issue is too big or too small – regardless of what you’re experiencing, you’re not alone. You can access services via secure telephone or video-conferencing, and once physical distancing measures related to COVID-19 are no longer in effect, in-person sessions will also be available.
Foundry offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centres in communities across BC.
This is a free skill-building program designed to help you manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry.
BounceBack gives you access to materials and resources that can all be customized to fit your needs. You will have access to workbooks, activities, videos, or a trained coach who can provide up to 6 phone sessions.
Wellness Together Canada
Wellness Together Canada was created in response to an unprecedented rise in mental health and substance use concerns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their services range from basic wellness information to one-on-one sessions with a counsellor, to participating in a community of support.
24 Hour BC Crisis Lines
If you are located in British Columbia and in need of immediate emotional support or assistance, you can call:
Spiritual wellness connects us to our heart, soul, values and beliefs. We can also find a sense of spirituality through the lands on which we live or a connection to nature or our community. It can also provide us with a sense of interconnectedness during difficult times and provide us with support for healing.
Elder-in-Residence Program
Elders bring wisdom, cultural teaching, and support to all student at Capilano University. The Elders meet with students at the Kéxwusm-áyakn Student Centre for interactive workshops and one-on-one mentoring, and also take part in classroom presentations.
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact indigenous@capilanou.ca.
Kéxwusm-áyakn Student Centre
Located in Library Building, room LB196, this is a safe space for students of First Nations, Inuit and Métis ancestry but welcomes all members of the CapU community.
Silent Prayer & Meditation Room
Students of all spiritual beliefs and backgrounds are welcome to use this space, located in Cedar Building, room CE236, for meditation and silent prayer.
CapU 50 Trail
Engaging with nature can be a spiritual practice as it helps ground us in the present moment, and allows us to appreciate the sacredness and interconnectedness of all living things.
The CapU 50 Trail is a peaceful and scenic 1.6 km loop through the Capilano University Campus. The trail showcases campus sustainability initiatives, ecosystems, and natural history.
Free Meditation Apps
Need to clear your head or create a greater sense of presence and connection in your everyday life? Practice mindful meditation by downloading one of these free meditation apps:
Academic & Career wellness focuses on identifying goals, interests and passions and aligning them with professional growth and expansion. As well as challenging and adapting one's perspectives, ideas and practices, and building knowledge and networks that foster positive gains.
Academic Advising
Connect with Academic Advising to book an appointment or join a virtual drop-in for information regarding course registration, program requirements, and success strategies to support your academic wellbeing.
Career Development Centre
The Career Development Centre (CDC) works to empower students and alumni with the skills, tools and resources they need to achieve their career goals.
Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services coordinates and establishes academic accommodations and associated services for students with ongoing or temporary disabilities.
Learning Support Services
Learning Support Services can connect you with a Learning Specialist to help you plan and organize your semester, manage your time, make useful study notes, prepare for exams and more. They are here to help you explore different strategies that can help you grow as a learner.
Centre For International Experience
The Centre for International Experience (CIE) offers programs and support to make your studies at Capilano University memorable and successful. They offer services such as admissions advising, immigration advising, and a leadership and mentorship program.
Indigenous Student Services
Indigenous Student Services offers direct services and support for student of First Nations, Inuit and Métis ancestry. Their services include helping with course selection and registration, contact with First Nations Band education officers and CapU instructors, advising on special programs, as well as on personal, health and school-based issues.
Academic Support Services
Academic Support Services offers a variety of programming to help you achieve your academic goals and succeed in your studies. They programs include the Math Learning Centre, Writing Centre, Language Resource Centre, English Language Support, Student Digital Ambassadors, and Library Services.
Peer Leadership Programs
Capilano University offers a variety of Peer Leadership Programs that offer practical experience for students. The programs are broken down by department, each offering a variety of volunteer, honorarium, and student employee positions.
YES (Your Early Support) Program
CapU's YES Program provides students with an opportunity to receive support for academic and personal challenges early on – or at any other stage – in their academic journey.
A referral to the YES program connects you to trained Student Support Advisors at the Office of Student Affairs who can meet with you to discuss your identified needs and connect you to a variety of supportive resources both on and off campus.
To connect with an advisor for support, you can email earlysupport@capilanou.ca.
Financial wellness underpins our basic survival needs and can support all other aspects of our wellbeing. It is also an area of well-being where people may find it hard to ask for help and may experience feelings of shame due to social stigma. It is important to know that if you are struggling financially, and if you are experiencing food and/or housing insecurity, you are not alone. We have resources available to support you. Financial well-being is essential in providing a sense of security and comfort and enabling access to necessary resources.
Financial Aid and Awards
Connect with an advisor at Financial Aid and Awards for help with financial planning, or to find out what scholarships, loans, and bursaries are available to you.
Capilano Student's Union
Beyond student events and advocacy, the Capilano Student's Union provides a variety of programs to assist with financial hardship including the Community Closet, the Community Cupboard, and referrals to off-campus supports.
Food Security Support
If you are on-campus and in need of food, you can access free non-perishable food items at the CSU Community Cupboard (Library Building, room LB196) or the Food Security Table in the Student Affairs office (Library Building, room LB116) during operating hours.
You can also access support through community resources such as:
- a referral to Quest Food Exchange (the CSU can help you with this)
- Local Food Banks
- Harvest Project
If you would like additional support navigating financial or food related resources, please connect with Your Early Support Program (listed above).
YES (Your Early Support) Program
CapU's YES Program provides students with an opportunity to receive support for academic and personal challenges early on – or at any other stage – in their academic journey.
A referral to the YES program connects you to trained Student Support Advisors at the Office of Student Affairs who can meet with you to discuss your identified needs and connect you to a variety of supportive resources both on and off campus.
To connect with an advisor for support, you can email earlysupport@capilanou.ca.
Social, Community and Environmental wellness relates to how we connect to and care for the people and places that surround us. It can also be how we support and feel supported by the different communities we identify with and relationships we are a part of. It's about recognizing the impact we have on the space and inhabitants around us, and the importance of acting in ways that develop safe, sustainable and supportive relationships.
Student Life Hub
The Hub is an information desk staffed by students who are there to help you decide which opportunities to get involved in on campus. No matter how much or how little time you have to become engaged on campus, they can help you find an opportunity that matches your needs.
Contact studentlifehub@capilanou.ca or visit the desk located in Library Building, room LB126
Peer Leadership Programs
Capilano University offers a variety of Peer Leadership Programs that offer practical experience for students. The programs are broken down by department, each offering a variety of volunteer, honorarium, and student employee positions.
International Leadership & Mentorship Program (ILMP)
Become an active part of you community, experience cultural diversity, expand your network and develop valuable skills by engaging in the International Leadership and Mentorship Program.
Elders in Residence Program
Elders bring wisdom, cultural teaching, and support to all student at Capilano University. The Elders meet with students at the Kéxwusm-áyakn Student Centre (LB196) for interactive workshops and one-on-one mentoring, and also take part in classroom presentations.
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact indigenous@capilanou.ca.
Capilano Students' Union
The Capilano Students' Union (CSU) is a non-profit society who serves the CapU student body through advocacy, a variety of services and resources, and leadership opportunities. Connect with them for support, to learn about their events, or to join a student club, collective or committee.
Studying and Gathering Spaces
Whether you’re looking for a quiet place to study or a welcoming space to meet your friends, CapU has you covered with a variety of studying and gathering spaces.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, Student Affairs
The Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Advisor provides a safe and informal space to discuss situations you have encountered that relate to accommodation, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, transgender status, sexual orientation or other.
Please contact waynedunkley@capilanou.ca for open office hours or to make an appointment.
Student Rights and Responsibilities Advisor, Student Affairs
The Student Rights and Responsibilities Advisor provides information for CapU students who have encountered a situation inside or outside the classroom and would like to know their rights (i.e. with regards to academic integrity, courses, or conduct from students/instructors/staff etc.).
Please contact studentconduct@capilanou.ca to make an appointment.
Conflict Resolution Advisor
The Conflict Resolution Advisor helps members of the campus community confidentially, informally and effectively resolve difficult interpersonal situations ranging from interpersonal conflict to sexual/discriminatory harassment and bullying.
Please contact ksimons@capilanou.ca for support.
Earthworks provides students with the opportunity to learn about complex environmental issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective and enable them to take action for positive change. Through participation, students can receive an Earthworks notation on their transcript, or co-curricular credits for volunteer work.
Native Land Digital
Native Land Digital creates spaces where non-Indigenous people can be invited and challenged to learn more about the lands they inhabit, the history of those lands, and how to actively be part of a better future going forward together.
YES (Your Early Support) Program
CapU's YES Program provides students with an opportunity to receive support for academic and personal challenges early on – or at any other stage – in their academic journey.
A referral to the YES program connects you to trained Student Support Advisors at the Office of Student Affairs who can meet with you to discuss your identified needs and connect you to a variety of supportive resources both on and off campus.
To connect with an advisor for support, you can email earlysupport@capilanou.ca.
Physical wellness is thinking about what our body needs throughout our day-to-day life to support our well-being. This can include our sensory needs, care and medical routines, nutrition and boundaries. Physical wellness is also about how we feel within and throughout our body. It connects us to our senses, body functioning, energy levels and body appreciation.
Health Services
General medical services are available to students at no charge on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the spring and fall terms.
Most full-time CapU students are automatically enrolled in the Health & Dental Plan through the Capilano Students' Union. Visit the CSU website to learn more about the plan.
Food Security Support
If you are on-campus and in need of food, you can access free non-perishable food items at the CSU Community Cupboard (Library Building, room LB196) or the Food Security Table in the Student Affairs office (Library Building, room LB116) during operating hours.
You can also access support through community resources such as:
- a referral to Quest Food Exchange (the CSU can help you with this)
- Local Food Banks
- Harvest Project
If you would like additional support navigating financial or food related resources, please connect with Your Early Support Program by emailing earlysupport@capilanou.ca.
Ergonomic Supports (at your desk)
Learn some tips for setting up a healthy workspace from Canadian Certified Professional Ergonomist, Carmel Murphy.
Handouts: Desk stretches (pdf), Home office healthy work practices (pdf)
Campus Recreation
CapU Rec is about having fun, being healthy and active, and feeling included. To stay up to date on their latest offerings, follow @capu_rec on Instagram or check out their website to find out about:
- Weight Room Access
- Drop-in gym times and equipment rentals
- Intramural sports
- Fitness classes
- Personal training
- Public access memberships
- and more!
At times, you may adopt coping techniques that are helpful in the moment, but may become less helpful or even harmful at a later time. That's okay! Remember, caring for your well-being is an ongoing process that evolves with you as you move through life. It takes practice. We hope by bringing awareness to resources on campus and communities of support, you'll find sustainable strategies of care for your personal well-being that work best for you.