- Log in to Student Email. If you need help logging in, please follow the instructions on the Accessing Your Email page
- On the top-right corner, click on the Settings icon and select Options. (Chrome users may experience an error. If this is the case, please try IE11 or Firefox browsers).
- In the Options window,
- Select organize email.
- Click the "+" icon and select the, "Create a new rule for arriving messages..."
- A "new inbox rule" dialogue box will open.
- Enter a name in the Name field.
- From the "When the message arrives, and:" field, select "[Apply to all message]".
- Click on More options...
- From the "Do the following:" field, select "Forward, redirect, or send", then "Forward the message to..."
- A new window will open. Enter your email address in the "To" field and click OK.
- If you receive the Warning, "Do you want this rule to apply to all future messages?", click yes
- Your forwarding rule should now be set up. Ensure the On checkbox is checked for the rule to run. To turn the rule off, simply uncheck this box.
- Your student email will now be forwarded to your personal email address.

Forwarding to Your Personal Email
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IT Services
IT Client Services 604 984 4952 Library Building, room LB101 AskIT@capilanou.ca