Arts & Sciences
Build your own program with a mix of arts, sciences and humanities courses in the Associate of Arts degree program at CapU.
This 60-credit credential provides a foundation in various academic disciplines, critical thinking, writing and research skills.
In addition to required coursework in English, Science and Arts, you'll be free to select from first- and second-year courses across every faculty at CapU.
Your choices can include everything from mathematics and computing science to business, creative and performing arts, the social sciences or humanities.
Now offered in Squamish
A curated list of courses for the Associate of Arts Degree — including those focused on the environment and sustainability — are offered at the CapU Squamish campus.
Sign up to receive information about the program, housing opportunities and more.

Study to fit your schedule
Study at your own pace. Start your Associate of Arts degree in either the Fall (September), Spring (January) or Summer (May) terms.