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Brook Davison
Student Success Facilitator, MoveUP Job StewardMoveUP Union Office
Student Affairs
604 986 1911 ext. 3040
Library Building, room LB116
Daniel Levangie
AVP of Student SuccessCareer Development Centre
Centre for Accessibility Services
Counselling & Learning Support
Student Affairs
Student Housing Services
604 990 7946 ext. 7946
Library Building, room LB116D
Ebru Ozturk
Student Rights&Responsibilities AdvisorStudent Affairs
604 986 1911 ext. 3184
Library Building, room LB116F
Ekam Sandhu
CSU: Vice-President Student AffairsCapilano Students' Union - CSU
604 984 4969 ext. 4969
Maple Building, room MA121
Kara McDougall
Student Support AdvisorStudent Affairs
604 986 1911 ext. 3578
Library Building, room LB116B
Kate Phifer
Student Success FacilitatorStudent Affairs
604 986 1911
Library Building, room LB116
Sam Ahmed
Student Support AdvisorStudent Affairs
604 986 1911 ext. 3503
Library Building, room LB116
Sean Bickerton
Instructor, AEMSchool of Performing Arts
School of Performing Arts - Arts & Entertainment Mgmt.
Student Affairs
604 984 4911 ext. 4911
Arbutus Building, room AR106
Sofiia Iudanova
DDA Student AffairsStudent Affairs
604 986 1911 ext. 7415
Library Building, room LB 116
Your Early Support (YES) Program
Student Affairs604 990 7908 ext. 7908
Library Building, room LB116C
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