

Instructor, Health Care Asst.Prog., Coordinator, Co-Coordinator
Sunshine Coast Campus

604.986.1911 ext. 5916
Sechelt Building, room SE106E


B.Sc.N. School of Nursing, University of Victoria, 2005.

"It's a great honour to be part of a process that provides frontline care to vulnerable persons in our community."


Joshua Boyd (B.Sc.N., British Columbia, 2005) has worked as a registered nurse (RN) for 19 years and has been working in health care for 29 years. He began his career as a Health Care Assistant (HCA). As an RN, he has worked in a variety of settings, including palliative home care for children, acute care (general medical/surgical), long-term care and home care.

His post-degree nursing education (Critical Care and Trauma) gave him the opportunity to serve a rural community, working in the Emergency Ward. Boyd has worked as an RN internationally and in public and private settings. 

Boyd has taught HCAs for ten years, two of these in Shenyang, China and eight at Capilano University's kalax-ay Sunshine Coast campus. He worked and volunteered for the BC Lions Easter Seal camps for children and youth with disabilities for ten years. He completed the Vancouver Community College Provincial Instructor Diploma program.

Having been an HCA himself and during years of working with, training and supervising other HCAs as an RN, his respect for and understanding of the role continues to grow. He believes front-line health care workers meeting the needs of vulnerable persons deserve society's highest acknowledgement.

I value experience-based learning techniques and the idea of active learning as successful learning. I believe the Provincial Health Care Assistant (HCA) curriculum is highly relevant for all persons and aligns with humanism's focus on self-actualization and societal reform.

With each class in the HCA program, I am fortunate to learn alongside students the information and ideas that are critical to one's personal and professional life as a caregiver.

A wide variety of instructional strategies is necessary to meet the needs of a variety of learners and learning styles. Student-focused approaches yield the best results and align with the HCA provincial curriculum concept of person-centered care.