
M.Sc., PhD

Instructor, Geography
School of Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Sciences

604.986.1911 ext. 3072
Fir Building, room FR461


PhD, Physical Geography, University of Tehran, 2008.

M.Sc., Meteorology, University of Tehran, 2001.


Hojat Yazdanpanah (PhD, University of Tehran, 2008) is a physical geographer with research interests focused on spatial data analysis, geographic information system (GIS) and climate change. He received his PhD in Physical Geography from the University of Tehran in 2008.

In his PhD thesis, Yazdanpanah used GIS and remote sensing (RS) techniques to prepare the agroclimatic suitability map of the west of Iran.

My teaching interests include:

Capilano University, 2021-present

  • Weather and Climate i
  • Weather and Climate ii
  • Climate Change
  • Climate Change and Tourism
  • Introduction to GIS

Simon Fraser University (SFU), Spring 2022

  • Spatial Data Analysis (GIS)

University of Isfahan, 2008-2019

  • Weather and Climate
  • GIS
  • Climate Change
  • Research Methods in Geography
  • Climate Change and Tourism

University of Eastern Finland, 2019

  • Climate Change and Tourism
  • Erasmus plus professors exchange, Spring 2019

University of Eichstadt-Ingolstadt, 2018

  • Climate Change and Tourism
  • Guest professor, Winter 2018

I work extensively with geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, spatial statistics and climate change. 

I have worked on diverse projects that cover:

  • Climate Change Impacts Modeling
  • Spatial Data Analysis
  • GIS and RS Applications in Environmental Planning;
  • Climate Change and Tourism

Azadi, Sara, Yazdanpanah H., Mohammad A. Nasr-Esfahani, Saeid Pourmanafi, and Wouter Dorigo. 2022. "The Gavkhouni Wetland Dryness and Its Impact on Air Temperature Variability in the Eastern Part of the Zayandeh-Rud River Basin, Iran" Water 14, no. 2: 172. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14020172

Kamyar, A., Yazdanpanah, H., Movahedi, S. et al. 2020, Assessment of the climate change impacts on Agro-climatic indices in Iran. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 142, 1359–1367 (2020).

Sabziparvar, A. Parandeh, Yazdanpanah H, 2016, Mid-level synoptic analysis of frost and flood-generating systems in South-west of Iran, Natural Hazards and Earth System, Vol:10 No:11, 2269-2279.

Yazdanpanah H., Eitzinger J. , 2017, Heat extreme events evaluation over Iran, International Journal of Climate change strategies and management, 2017, vol 9 ; issue 4.

David A. Fennell,.Yazdanpanah H. ,2020, Tourism and wildlife photography codes of ethics: Developing a clearer picture, Annals of Tourism Research, Volume 85,2020,103023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2020.103023.

Yazdanpanah H, H Barghi, A Esmaili, 2016, Effect of climate change impact on tourism: A study on climate comfort of Zayandehroud, Tourism management perspectives, 17, 82-89.

Nasr MN, Yazdanpanah H, 2019, Developing Almond orchards frost early warning system in mountain climate of Iran, Physical Geography Research Quarterly 51 (3), 497-512.

Yazdanpanah H., Stigler CJ. , 2011, Selective inverted sink efficiency for spring frost protection in almond orchards northwest of Isfahan, Iran, Theoretical and applied climatology, vol:105 no:1-2, 51-62.

Zarean H., Yazdanpanah H., 2014, Chronological Study of Quercus Persica Growth Ring Response to Climatic Variables of Precipitation and Temperature in Zagros Forests (A Case Study of Dena Region). Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, vol:4 no:4, 247-255.

Asghar, K, Yazdanpanah H, Movahedi S, 2018, Accuracy Evaluation of the Outputs of Regional Climate Models in Iran, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 50, 25-29.

More than 40 papers (please see the full list at my google scholar page):


  • Chapter 14: GIS and RS applications in Climatology of Guide of Operational Agrometeorological Practices, WMO publications 2010.
  • Statistical methods in Geography and Environmental Sciences, 2013, University of Isfahan publications.

Postgraduate Scholarship, Iran Meteorological Organization 2000-02.

Second Prize, Students of Meteorology, Tehran University, Iran, 2002.

Research Fund (YSSP), APEC Climate Center, Busan, Korea, 2012.

Visiting Fund, Kuwait University, Summer 2010.

Visiting Fund, Nanjing University, Summer 2007.

Travel Fund, EU Commission, CORDEX Climate Change Conference, 2013.

Fellowship, Austrian Academy of Sciences, BOKU-Met, BOKU, Vienna, 2015-16.

Top ranked professor of the faculty by students, Geography and Environmental Planning, University of Isfahan, 2015.