

Convenor / Instructor, Political Science
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Political Science

604.986.1911 ext. 3698
Fir Building, room FR501c


PhD, Carleton University, 2015.

MA, York University, 2008.

BA, McMaster University, 2007.


David Matijasevich (PhD, Carleton University, 2015) is a political scientist whose research interests lie at the crossroads of political theory and comparative politics. He is particularly interested in the challenges that extra-parliamentary political actors face when attempting to renew political arrangements along more democratic lines.

In doing so, questions central to democratic theory, contentious politics and state-civil society relations have all been explored in his work. Although Matijasevich is interested in instances of popular mobilization across the globe, he is most fascinated by these developments in East and Southeast Asia, where such forms of politics often face significant limitations from both the state and society itself.

As an instructor or seminar leader, the one goal that I always aim to achieve is to have the students leave the classroom feeling that they have learned something that has real bearing on their lives, their communities, and the wider world around them.

In terms of method, I am a big believer in using diverse teaching methods and blended learning to help students make sense of the new ideas that are being imparted to them through coursework.

Matijasevich, David. Radical Democracy and its Limits. Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming, 2019.

Matijasevich, David. A Return to the Political? Civil Society and Post-Politics in Authoritarian Regimes. Reconceptualising Asian Civil Society in the Age of Post-Politics, edited by Creighton Connolly and Sonia Lam, Routledge, forthcoming, 2019.

Matijasevich, David. Populist Hangover: Lessons from Southeast Asia. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, Online First, November 2018.

Matijasevich, David. Five Lessons from European Democracy. Review of European and Russian Affairs, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-13, 2012.