
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD

School of Business
Faculty of Business and Professional Studies

604.986.1911 ext. 3468
Cedar Building, room CE359


PhD, Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, 2019.

M.Sc., Research Field of Electrical Engineering in Computer Hardware, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1989.

B.Sc., Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1986.

"The irrational separates us, the rational unites us. - Bertrand Russell"


Amir-hassan Ghaseminejad-tafreshi (PhD, Simon Fraser University, 2019) is a faculty member at Capilano University, Faculty of Business and Professional Studies, School of Business. He received his PhD from Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, School of Communication, at Simon Fraser University in 2019.

He has a Masters of Science degree in the Research Field of Electrical Engineering in Computer Hardware and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, at Sharif University of Technology. He has taught courses in a variety of areas, including operations management, statistics for business, business decision making, database administration and design, business management, information management, business technology disaster recovery planning, advanced web design, operating systems, networking and programing languages.

Ghaseminejad is also a researcher at the Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies (ICURS), at SFU, where he develops statistical and process models of British Columbia's criminal justice system.

He has also worked as a researcher at Interdisciplinary Research in the Mathematical and Computational Sciences (IRMACS), where he participated in healthcare modeling; and at the Center for Policy Research on Science and Technology (CPROST), where he studied the impact of broadband Internet on rural and remote communities. He has taught “Empirical Research Methods for Communications” and “News Media, the Public, and Democracy,” “News Discourse and Political Communication” and "Computer Supported Cooperative Work:Critical Perspectives" at SFU.

Ghaseminejad has taught operating systems, networking, database design and object-oriented programming, as well as marketing and business computing in computer science and information systems, and business management departments at Langara College and Douglas College, networking and TCP/IP at British Columbia Institute of Technology and computer organization, switching theory and logical design and electronics courses in Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology.

My teaching philosophy is learner-centred, motivational, inclusive, and participatory. It is informed by ability-based pedagogy, active participation learning model, and responsive teaching techniques, that I have learned and implemented in my many years of teaching in Canadian higher education institutions.

I implement flipped classroom instructional strategies in proper classes. I believe information assimilation model has many advantages over information transfer model of teaching.

Understanding is something that is formed in the learner. My role is to motivate my students then to moderate an exciting process in which they develop their understanding. I want my students to become curious about, and enjoy from, the subject matter.

My research interests and publications include: society and technology interrelationships, the relevance of advanced information and communication technologies to collective decision making and control, voting systems, citizen engagement in mediated democracies, media effects, as well as modeling the criminal justice system and computational criminology, systems analysis, information management, data science, high dimensional data analysis and Big Data technologies, along with philosophy of science and technology.

I like to explore the boundaries of interdisciplinary mixed methodology research, combining statistical analysis and mathematical process modeling of complex social systems with qualitative understanding of the phenomena.

Academic Publications

Ghaseminejad, Amir H. A Non-Parametric Maximum for Number of Selected Features: Objective Optima for FDR and Significance Threshold with Application to Ordinal Survey Analysis. Journal of Big Data 5 (1): 19. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-018-0128-5, 2018. 

Linning, Shannon J., Andresen, Martin A., AGhaseminejad, Amir H., and Brantingham, Paul J. Crime Seasonality across Multiple Jurisdictions in British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, January. https://doi.org/10.3138/cjccj.2015.E31, 2017. 

Ghaseminejad, Amir H. Society, Technology, Product, and Responsibility: A Dynamic Feedback Systems Perspective. International Journal of Technology Knowledge and Society, 9(4), 225-241, 2014. 

Reid Andrew A., Farrell, Graham, Mu Shihong, Richter, Wolfgang, Ghaseminejad, Amir H., Brantingham, Paul J. A matrix of measures of court caseload. The Canadian Bar Review, 92(1), 2014. 

Ghaseminejad, Amir H., Brantingham, P., & Brantingham, P. Distribution of event complexity in the British Columbia court system an analysis based on the CourBC analytical system. Security Informatics, 1(1), 13. doi:10.1186/2190-8532-1-13, 2012. 

Ghaseminejad, Amir H., & Brantingham, P. An executive decision support system for longitudinal statistical analysis of crime and law enforcement performance crime analysis system pacific region (CASPR). Proceedings from: IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) (pp. 1–6). doi:10.1109/ISI.2010.5484784, 2010. 

Ghaseminejad, Amir H., IRMACS Complex Systems Modelling Group. Modelling in Healthcare, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2010.

Patent Application: Ghaseminejad, T. A. H. Decision making independent of irrelevant alternatives. Patent Application WO2009065211 A128-May-2009, 2009. 

A. Alimadad, P. Brantingham, P. Brantingham, V. Dabbaghian-Abdoly, R. Ferguson, E. Fowler, A. H. Ghaseminejad, C. Giles, J. Li, N. Pollard, A. R. Rutherford, and A. van der Waall. Using Varieties of Simulation Modelling for Criminal Justice System Analysis. In Artificial Crime Analysis Systems: Using Computer Simulations and Geographic Information Systems, John Eck and Lin Lui (eds.), Idea Group Inc., Hershey, PA, pp 372-412, 2008.

Ghaseminejad, Amir H. An Informatics Theory of Effective Democracy: Democratic Wisdom Hypothesis and General Relativity of Democracy. International Journal of Technology Knowledge and Society, 2(7), 91–106, 2007. 

Conference Presentations

2019: High-Dimensional Survey Analysis. Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, B.C., Canada.  

2016: Crime Basket Analysis: Understanding the attributes of events with which the criminal justice system. 2016 Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, Vancouver B.C., Canada, February 4-6. 

2014: Society, Technology, Product, Change, Responsibility: An Organic Feedback Perspective. Western Canada Graduate Conference of Critical Studies. 

2013: Society, Technology, Product, Change, Responsibility: An Organic Feedback Perspective. Canadian Communication Association Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C.

2013: Society, Technology, Product, Change, Responsibility: An Organic Feedback Perspective. Ninth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, Canada.

2010: Science and Technology, Agents Who Cannot be Held Responsible & Risks of Loose Definitions and Personifications. Society for Social Studies of Science, 2010 Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.

2010: Collective Decision Making While Averting the Impact of Irrelevant Alternatives & Sincere Voting Using Collaborative Methods. The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship Graduate Student Conference, Québec City, Canada.

2010: An Executive Decision Support System For Longitudinal Statistical Analysis of Crime and Law Enforcement Performance. The IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Vancouver, Canada. 

2010: Recent research on rural connectivity. BC ICT Summit, Vancouver, Canada.

2010: Collective Decision Making with Explicit Averting from the Impact of Irrelevant Alternatives. Public Choice Society, Monterey, California, USA.

2010: Toward a Science for Understanding the Complexities of Modern World-System: Reality, Uncertainty, the Truth and the Good. On the Edge: Pushing Boundaries in Social Research Student Conference, UBC Sociology graduate student conference.

2009: Foundation for the Future Research Project. BC ICT Summit, Coast Plaza Hotel, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.

2009: A Mythology of Media Effects: Our Path Toward Comprehensive Models. International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, Huntsville, Alabama, USA.

2009: An Informatics Theory of Democratic Journalism. Union for Democratic Communications (UDC) Conference, Buffalo, New York, USA.

2008: A Methodology for Studying the Impact of Providing Broadband Internet Technology to Remote and Rural Communities. Canadian Communication Association Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. 

2007: Democracy and the tyranny of Weak Majority: Do Modern Technologies Facilitate Better Decision Making Systems? International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.

2006: A. Alimadad, P. Borwein, P. Brantingham, P. Brantingham, V. Dabbaghian-Abdoly, R. Ferguson, E. Fowler, A. H. Ghaseminejad, C. Giles, J. Li, N. Pollard, A. R. Rutherford, and A. van der Waall: Simulation of the Criminal Justice System for Policy Analysis: The Complementary Strengths of Discrete Event Models and System Dynamics Models. International Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis Conference, Chilliwack, B.C., Canada.

2006: A. Alimadad, P. Brantingham, P. Brantingham, V. Dabbaghian-Abdoly, R. Ferguson, E. Fowler, A. H. Ghaseminejad, C. Giles, J. Li, N. Pollard, A. R. Rutherford, and A. van der Waall: Using Simulation Modelling for Analyzing the Criminal Justice System in British Columbia. Crime Reduction Initiative – Division Management Update, RCMP E Division, British Columbia, Oct. 19. 

2006: V. Dabbaghian-Abdoly, E. Fowler, A. H. Ghaseminejad, C. Giles, and A. van der Waall: Simulation of the Criminal Justice System for Policy Analysis. IBM Experts Meeting, IRMACS, Nov. 2006.

2006: An Informatics Theory of Effective Democracy & The Effect of Information Dissemination by Modern Technologies on Democracy. Symposium on Technology and Citizenship, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

1988-1990: Presented seminars in: Parallel Processing, Automatic VLSI Layout Generation, Silicon Compilation, VT-CSMA Industrial Protocol for Local Area Computer Network. Sharif University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. 


International Joint Summer School – Communication and Global Power Shifts. Hosted by The School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. 

Graduate Fellowship (PhD) Award, 2013. 

Graduate Fellowship (PhD) Award, 2010.