Sharing Circle for Indigenous Students & Employees
Our CapU community is grieving the discovery of the burial site of 215 children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School.

As reflected in President Paul Dangerfield's message Honouring the Children: A space for silence on Monday, May 31:
"A terrible truth, one of so many, is coming to light. Children whose stories have gone untold, their fates unknown until now. We honour their lives and the courageous determination of the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation to find these missing children and bring answers to their families."
Sharing circle - June 2 & June 3
Indigenous students and employees are invited to a sharing circle with friend of CapU, Jackie Tenute (Ojibwe/Potawatami Anishinaabe Kwe). Jackie will be hosting a drop-in sharing circle via Zoom.
Zoom details
Indigenous students and employees are welcome to drop in any time on both dates between 1–3 p.m. using the link below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 694 3539 5467
Passcode: 857058
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Meeting ID: 694 3539 5467
Passcode: 857058
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Submitted by: Communications