
B.Sc., MA, PhD



PhD, University of Western Ontario, 1985.

MA, University of Western Ontario, 1982.

B.Sc., University of Toronto, 1979.

"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus."


Leonard George (PhD, University of Western Ontario, 1985) is a Canadian psychologist, educator, writer and broadcaster.

Currently, he is the Chair of the School of Social Sciences at Capilano University. He has written two books and dozens of articles. George has given lectures and seminars on five continents as well as online.

Well-travelled in body and in mind, he has celebrated summer solstice with Mongolian shamans and spent the night alone in a haunted French castle, among many other adventures. He witnessed a revolution in Greece in 1974, and another in Egypt in 2012. He is drawn to all things vast, intricate or purring.

My teaching career has spanned 32 years, from 1986 to 2018, intermixed with many other activities (clinical psychologist, researcher and writer foremost among them). Teaching at Capilano University since 2004 has allowed me to expand my own knowledge while supporting students in expanding theirs.

At Capilano U, I have taught courses in Introductory Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Biological Psychology, Statistics for Psychological Research, History of Psychology, Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Anomalistic Psychology and Conceptions of Imagination.

My research has focussed on several areas: schizophrenia; mental imagery; anomalous experiences; altered states of consciousness; and application of modern psychological perspectives to materials from pre-modern and non-Western contexts.