
For external requestors, please submit your data request using the Data Request Form (PDF) and email the completed form to ir@capilanou.ca.

For current CapU students requiring data for a course or program, please request information through your course instructor and program chair for the data you need. All data requests must be made and approved by the instructor and chair of the department.

For current CapU employees, information on all published IR reports can be found on Frontlines. If the data you need are not listed, please submit a Data Request Form (pdf) via frontlines with approval from department heads.

For CapU administrators and department heads, log in to CapU Analytics for full access to IR reporting and information. If the data you need are not listed, please submit a Data Request Form or contact us at ir@capilanou.ca.


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Institutional Research

604 986 1911, ext. 7446
Library Building, room LB116