
We welcome you telling us when communication, information, facilities, programs, services, or technology provided at the University are not accessible.

Ways to report an accessibility barrier:

  • The form below;
  • Emailing your feedback to accessibleCapU@capilanou.ca; and
  • Meeting online or in-person to share your feedback with a representative of the Accessibility Advisory Committee.

Some of your feedback may be addressed immediately and some may be addressed as the Accessibility Plan evolves.

Questions? Email us at accessibleCapU@capilanou.ca.

Feedback form

Privacy statement

This form collects personal information for the purposes of verifying your feedback. It is collected by Capilano University under (s)(26)(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). By submitting this form, you are providing your consent to the Accessible CapU Committee to collect and use this information for this purpose. If you have any questions, please contact accessibleCapU@capilanou.ca.


Have questions?

Accessible CapU Committee
