
Together, as a community of educators, practitioners, researchers, children, families, students, and donors we will champion early learning and its vital importance in creating equitable, inclusive, sustainable communities.

The project

Capilano University's new Centre for Childhood Studies will be an international hub for thought leadership, applied research, practice and policy development in Early Childhood Care and Education:

  • A purpose-designed experiential learning and applied research Centre dedicated to optimizing the education of young children ages 0-5
  • Two-storey, 23,000-square-foot LEED Gold Centre at the north of campus, adjacent to transit and forest
  • Enabling 25% growth in admissions to CapU's Early Childhood Care and Education Program, helping to meet accelerating workforce demand
  • Doubling CapU's capacity for childcare with 74 new spaces, prioritized for parents who are students
  • Amplifying CapU's leadership in early childhood scholarship and research

Learn more about the Centre's impact, experiential learning and research spaces by downloading the Centre for Childhood Studies Project Overview 2021 (pdf) or visit Centre for Childhood Studies.

Portrait of Yuri Fulmer
“In the words of Maria Montessori, our children hold ‘the fate of the future.’ The new Centre for Childhood Studies will position Capilano University to lead one of the most vital conversations of our time and harness the enormous potential of early childhood education in creating a caring and equitable society.”
Yuri Fulmer, O.B.C., Chancellor, Capilano University

Fast facts



total project cost



from Province of B.C.



in CapU funding



campaign target

Construction is slated to begin in 2022 with completion scheduled for mid-2024.

All gifts are gratefully received and can be pledged over a multi-year period. A limited number of naming opportunities are available for those who wish to associate their family name, that of a loved one, or the name of an inspiring influence to a specific area within the Centre.

Please contact Kari Wharton, Campaign Director, for details.

Related links

Project updates

Find the latest updates and detailed information about the project.

Make a donation

Your donation will support our plans for a new Centre for Childhood Studies.

CapU Children's Centre

Capilano University's Children's Centre offers childcare for infants, toddlers and 3-to-5-year-olds.

School of Education & Childhood Studies

Our School of Education & Childhood Studies programs offer current theory, research and practice.


Have questions?

Capilano University Foundation

Kari Wharton
604 984 4983
604 984 1758 (fax)
Birch Building, room BR449

Charitable Business Number 11883 7756 RR0001